How to Become a Mobile Java Developer for Nokia...

The future for mobile applications is extremely bright and developers working on Java ME definitely have a bright future. Java ME is still by far the largest platform out there with arguably the best developer tools, frameworks and books a developer can ask for. Already there are many mobile applications based on this platform that are used in various smart phone models. For mobile java developers, the best company to work with is Nokia. Nokia has already used Java based mobile applications in their mobile phones and are always in hunt of skilled developers.

1.Learn the languages you need to know.
There are currently 4 languages you can learn to build an application for Nokia mobile devices. They are: Symbian C++, J2ME (Java), Python for Series 60 and Flash Lite.

2.Choose the language you want to specialize and enroll yourself to some courses to learn that language thoroughly. If Java language is your preference for remote access, JSR-82 (Bluetooth API) is one of the option used by developers. Learn it and become an expert on this.

3.Using the JSR-82 (Bluetooth API) start building an application for Nokia mobile users. To begin with, make a draft about the idea of the application and how it's going to function.

4.Note down the benefits that the user would be getting from these applications. If any similar application is there, study it thoroughly and find out how your application is going to be better than the existing one and how it can bring revolution to the mobile industry.

5.Become a member of Forum Nokia as it provides a good set of docs and tools to start developing Mobile Java apps. Go through the study materials to make your base more stronger and clear.

6.Join other forums designed for mobile application developers and post regular updates about the application you are developing. Here you can also get updates about new openings and requirements.

7.In case of any problem, ask the experts available at Forum Nokia for their guidance.

8.Also attend seminars, conferences and workshops organized for mobile application developers. Here you can get insights into what is going on in the mobile industry. If you are based in Australia, you can attend the upcoming Forum Nokia Developers Conference which will take place in Sydney on 3rd march, 2010.

9.Always try to build relationships with other developers with whom you can share a mutually beneficial relationship. This will help in upgrading your skills.

10.Look for openings for developers posted by Nokia. Apply for them and if the experts like your skills and ideas, you can surely get the chance to work with this industry leader.

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