Android Unlock Pattern To Launch Apps For You..

Google knows that Android users are super-busy that they'd need a quick access to specific apps right after the screen is unlocked. Maybe that's the reason it's applied to USPTO for a patent that lets you specify and launch the app depending upon the pattern you draw to unlock your phone's screen.

USPTO has already granted the patent to Google and expect it to make it to the upcoming versions of Android in the next few months. We've no clue whether Google will actually include this feature, but we think it'd be nice to have.

The idea is that you define various patterns that launch specific apps. For example, if you use the 'Z' pattern to unlock your phone, you can set it to launch the dialer app. Once set, whenever you draw the Z pattern to unlock - the dialer will be ready to accept your inputs. Similarly if you use the 'U' pattern to unlock your phone, you can set it to launch camera app. The concept is really simple, but would be quite useful. 

Do let us know what you think about this patent. How do you think Apple should respond with a similar feature? Check the details of the patent on the source link below. 

Source: USPTO



Gmail is just about to enter its 10th year, and has radically changed the way that hundreds of millions of people interact with their email. Would would have thought nine years ago that email would look anything like it does today!

It reveals some amazing information like the fact that Google released it as an invite-only service initially which has now grown to a whopping 425 million users and that is just till June 2012. There are many more such facts in this infographic. 

So lets have a look at it.